‘Southwest of Salem’ Tells Story of Homophobia and Injustice

FEATURING DEBORAH ESQUENAZI – In just a few years we as a nation have witnessed a major cultural shift on the issue of gay rights. While there is still a ways to go to achieve full equality, even the nation’s highest court has affirmed that LGBT Americans have the same rights to marry as everyone else.

It seems hard to imagine that not too long ago we lived in a country where homophobia was so rampant that it took bizarre forms and deeply impacted many, many lives.

A new documentary called Southwest of Salem tells the story of four women in San Antonio, Texas who were the victims of such homophobia and wrongly accused of one of the worst crimes imaginable – the rape and assault of young children. The four women, all Latinas and all lesbians, Elizabeth Ramirez, Cassandra Rivera, Kristie Mayhugh, and Anna Vasquez, spent years behind bars. My guest, Deborah Esquenazi is the director of the powerful new film about them.

EVENT: The film opens in LA Friday Sept 30 at the Laemmle Music Hall. Find other openings at www.southwestofsalem.com.

Deborah Esquenazi, Austin, Texas-based documentary filmmaker radio producer, instructor, and journalist.