Storming The Wall: Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security

FEATURING TODD MILLER – Before climate change was a tangible reality, social scientists predicting the impacts of a warming planet visualized mass movements of climate refugees on the move fleeing rising sea levels. Today, that moment is already here. The idea of climate refugees is not theoretical anymore.

In tandem with increasing numbers of displaced people more and more governments are building walls and focusing on border security rather than mitigating the causes of climate change.

Todd Miller, researcher and writer focusing on immigration and border issues. He has worked with groups like BorderLinks, Witness for Peace, and NACLA and is the author of Border Patrol Nation. His writings have appeared in the New York Times, TomDispatch, Mother Jones, the Nation, Al Jazeera English, and Salon. His new book is called Storming The Wall: Climate Change, Migration, and Homeland Security.

** This segment was originally broadcast on November 20, 2017.