Supreme Court Ruling Undermines Due Process for Immigrants

FEATURING GRISEL RUIZ – The US Supreme Court on Tuesday handed down a stunning ruling in a blow to the due process rights of undocumented immigrants. In a 5-3 decision, justices invalidated a decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals requiring that detained immigrants be granted bond hearings every 6 months.

After the death of Justice Antonin Scalia the case had resulted in a vote tie at the court. But now, with Donald Trump’s appointee Neil Gorsuch on the court, and with Justice Elena Kagan recusing herself, the ruling came down on the side of anti-immigrant forces.

My guest Grisel Ruiz, a staff attorney for the Immigrant Legal Resource Center responded to the decision saying, “This Supreme Court decision reaffirms that there is no such thing as a fair day in court for immigrants.”

Grisel Ruiz, staff attorney at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center.