Taking on Trumpism in the New Year

FEATURING ARUN GUPTA – Two thousand seventeen was a grim year for the United States. Many modest gains made under Barack Obama’s presidency were swiftly undone and Donald Trump’s radical agenda to remake government became reality faster than we expected. With the passage of a sweeping tax bill at the end of the year, what will year 2 of the Trump presidency bring?

And, much more importantly what sort of activism will be most effective against it?

We’ll spend the hour today with our regular correspondent Arun Gupta who joined me in studio to discuss Trumpism and its impact, progressive activism and more.

Arun Gupta, an investigative journalist who has written for dozens of publications including the Washington Post, the Guardian, The Nation, Salon, and Raw Story. He is also author of the forthcoming book, “Bacon as a Weapon of Mass Destruction,” and a regular news correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali.