The Biggest Domestic Stories of 2019

FEATURING ARUN GUPTA – As we approach the end of the year, we’ll focus today on the biggest stories of 2019, at least within the United States. It is unarguable that the impeachment of Donald Trump by the House of Representatives, was the most explosive story of the year. It is only the third time in US history that a president was impeached by the House, after Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson (Nixon resigned before the House took a vote).

Aside from impeachment, so many other stories, most linked directly to Trump deserve attention: immigrant family separations and the deaths of immigrant children in US custody, myriad mass shootings including a racially motivated attack in El Paso, Texas, the rise of the Squad of freshmen women of color in Congress, and the toppling of Puerto Rico’s governor by a mass movement.

Arun Gupta is a regular news correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali. He’s an investigative journalist who has written for dozens of publications including the Washington Post, the Guardian, The Nation, Salon, and Raw Story. He is also author of the forthcoming book, “Bacon as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.”