The Cosby Sentencing and Kavanaugh Hearings

FEATURING LISA BLOOM – Bill Cosby has been sentenced to 3-10 years in state prison in Pennsylvania –  the culmination of a years-long case against him for sexual assault, and rape of a number of women. On Tuesday the judge declared Cosby a “violent sexual predator,” which means he will be required to be registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life. His lawyers are expected to appeal the sentence.

Cosby’s trial and sentencing bring to a close the first celebrity case after the emergence of the #MeToo movement. The sentencing played out in the same week that people across the nation are protesting the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court. Kavanaugh now faces accusations from 2 named women and potential up to 4 women.

On Monday more than 120 people were arrested in Washington DC as they protested Kavanaugh under the #BelieveWomen. Some of those who traveled to DC were Yale University Law Students. Kavanaugh attended Yale and his second accuser Deborah Ramirez who was also a student there said he sexually assaulted her at a party during their college years.

Also on Tuesday President Donald Trump denounced Kavanaugh’s accusers to reporters while at the UN headquarters. PLAY VIDEO. That was President Trump on Tuesday questioning the honesty of Kavanaugh’s accusers. On Monday Fox News aired a lengthy interview with Kavanaugh during which the nominee implied that he couldn’t have assaulted anyone in high school as he was a virgin at the time. That’s Brett Kavanaugh in his Fox News interview.

Lisa Bloom, trial attorney at The Bloom Firm and legal analyst for Avvo.