The Growing Cost of Florida’s Toxic Algae Blooms

FEATURING BART JOHNSEN-HARRIS – Amid the excitement over Florida’s primary election upsets this week was one singular issue that barely made it into the national news coverage but that has stymied local politicians on the Gulf Coast. And that is the growing infestation of toxic algae blooms off of the Florida coast. So invasive and intense is the algae that marine life, tourism, commercial fishing, and coastal businesses have been deeply impacted.

Florida Governor Rick Scott has received the brunt of blame for not doing enough about the algae. Having reached his term limits as Governor he is challenging Democratic Senator Bill Nelson’s seat and easily won the Republican primary for that race on Tuesday. But critics point out he lost a number of votes to an opponent who barely ran, likely because of his inaction on algae. Both Nelson and Scott blame each other for the damage caused by the algae.

While the algae blooms are a natural phenomenon, they have been fueled by unchecked water pollution.

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Bart Johnsen-Harris, Clean Water Advocate with Environment America.