The List: A Week-by-Week Reckoning of Trump’s First Year

FEATURING AMY SISKIND – Just days after the 2016 Presidential election, a woman named Amy Siskind decided that she would start keeping track of all the outrageous things our then-President elect was engaging in. She continued her documentation project week after week, posting it to social media. Soon it went viral and Siskind developed a formal tally of Trump’s doings.

On her website she explains that, “On a weekly basis, the List tracks specific news stories representing eroding norms under the current regime. Taken together, they reveal a nation pushed towards authoritarianism, the wielding of unchecked governmental authority by one person or group at the expense of the freedom of those who oppose them.”

The List, which is being preserved at the Library of Congress and is available online, continues to track the Trump administration and the first year’s worth of documentation is now out in the form of a book.

To read Amy’s weekly list go to

Amy Siskind, author of The List: A Week-by-week Reckoning Of Trump’s First Year, President and Co-Founder of The New Agenda.