The Many Dimensions of James Comey and the Latest Clinton Email Scandal

FEATURING MARCY WHEELER – If you’re confused about the latest Clinton email scandal, it’s because it is the third one since the Democrat’s campaign started and unrelated to the earlier two scandals.

Emails exchanged between Hillary Clinton and her campaign staffer Huma Abedin were found on computers seized by the FBI from Abedin’s estranged husband and former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner over his alleged misconduct.

FBI Director James Comey, in a highly unusual step, revealed the existence of the email correspondence between Abedin and Clinton just days before the election. While the political ramifications of his revelations are a big, there is also the matter of keeping FBI investigations confidential, and the sharing of data between investigations.

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Marcy Wheeler, independent journalist specializing in civil liberties, privacy, and the “war on terror.” She blogs at