The Truth Behind Israel’s Killing of Palestinians

FEATURING MAZIN QUMSIYEH – Nearly 60 Palestinians were killed by Israeli fire on May 14th at the Gaza border in the latest and bloodiest instance of violence since mass protests began weeks ago. Tens of thousands of Palestinians intending to mark Nakba Day had gathered to protest the collective imprisonment they face under a decades-long Israeli siege. Among the victims were an 8-month old child and a doctor.

Israel defended its actions claiming that Hamas was controlling the protests and engaging in armed violence at the border. The US concurred, backing Israel without reservations. In fact, Israeli snipers were shooting live fire and dropping tear gas on Gazan protesters while the Trump administration made good on its promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner triumphantly celebrated the new Embassy opening alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mazin Qumsiyeh has been on the faculties of the University of Tennessee, Duke, and Yale Universities. He is now a professor at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities. His books include Popular Resistance in Palestine and Sharing the Land of Canaan. He is founding director of the Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability, joining us live from Bethlehem.