Thousands Attend The People’s Summit in Chicago, Hopeful of Change

FEATURING SONALI KOLHATKAR – Four thousand people from all over the US converged on the city of Chicago, Illinois from June 9-11th for The People’s Summit, an annual activist gathering organized by the National Nurses United and other progressive groups. The first such gathering took place last year ahead of the Democratic National Convention when it was apparent that Bernie Sanders would not win the Presidential nomination.

Now, months after the devastating election results of last November, a much larger group of people gathered for the second annual People’s Summit, for 3 days of talks by people like Bernie Sanders, Van Jones, Linda Sarsour, and others, and a plethora of workshops that focused on moving beyond resisting power to taking power.

The Rising Up crew was at The People’s Summit as part of Free Speech TV’s coverage of the event. Today, and for the rest of the week we’ll be bringing you some of the conversations we had with attendees and speakers. We begin with the voices of ordinary Americans who traveled long distances to be at the gathering.