Trump Backs Down on Census, Unleashes ICE Raids

FEATURING ANU  JOSHI – President Trump was forced to concede a major defeat on his drive to require citizenship information on the 2020 US Census. In an executive order that he announced on Thursday the President said he would be requiring the information from other federal agencies instead.

Just days before the announcement the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said it planned to round up thousands of undocumented people and their families living in the US starting on Sunday. The announcement has sown fear in vulnerable communities around the US.

Meanwhile, as lawmakers are battling over whether conditions in border detention facilities are harsh enough to deserve the name “concentration camps,” hundreds of vigils were organized around the country on Friday called “Lights for Liberty,” to call attention to the inhumane treatment of migrants at the border.

Anu Joshi, Senior Director of Immigrant Rights Policy at the New York Immigration Coalition.