Trump Charting His Own Foreign Policy Via Twitter?

FEATURING RAHUL MAHAJAN – President Donald Trump threw multiple wrenches into his own administration’s foreign policy over the weekend, knocking out one tweet after another. On Saturday he accused North Korea of “making fools of U.S. negotiators,” and ominously adding, “only one thing will work!”

He also conducted a public battle with his fellow Republican, retiring Sen. Bob Corker, who he said was, “largely responsible for the horrendous Iran deal.”

On the domestic front he ordered Vice President Mike Pence to leave a football game if NFL players did not stand for the American anthem and then claimed that the appearance was “long planned.” And, he announced a lengthy list of hardline anti-immigrant demands for Democrats before he would consider the DREAM Act.

Rahul Mahajan is the author of two books on the Iraq war: Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond and The New Crusade: America’s War on Terrorism. He also teaches sociology at University of Wisconsin, River Falls, and the US Foreign Policy and Empire Correspondent for Rising Up.