Trump Declares “America Open for Business” at Davos

FEATURING PAUL O’BRIEN – Surprising the business elite gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, President Donald Trump on Friday stuck to the script written for him and charmed the financial elites of the world. His speech, written by former Goldman Sachs investment banker Gary Cohn boasted of how low he has cut the corporate tax rate in the US.

Ahead of his speech there were reports that some members of the audience would be walking out in protest of racist comments that Trump recently said about African nations during immigration negotiations. But it was unclear if the walkout transpired. Instead, a well-behaved Trump seemed quite at home with his fellow billionaires and heads-of-state.

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Paul O’Brien, Vice President for Policy and Advocacy at Oxfam America where he oversees research, policy, advocacy, and campaigning work to influence the US government and US corporations.