Trump Supporters Storm the Capitol, One Shot

FEATURING SARU JAYARAMAN – At least one person has been shot and is in critical condition at the Capitol in Washington DC as Donald Trump’s supporters breached the walls, smashed windows, entered the Senate, and violated the space. DC police were overwhelmed even as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called on the Defense Department to send in the National Guard. Virginia’s Governor reportedly called in the guard after the Defense Department did not. The scenes at the nation’s capital have shocked Americans on a day that was supposed to focus on the ceremonial counting of electoral college votes in the Presidential race. Just hours before Trump’s supporters stormed the capitol, the President was out among them declaring he would never give up the fight to remain at the White House.

Saru Jayaraman, President of One Fair Wage and Assistant Adjunct Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Food Labor Research Center at University of California, Berkeley.