Trump To Withdraw US From Paris Accord, Imperiling Planet

FEATURING JOHN COEQUYT – The Trump Administration has signaled that it will be withdrawing the United States from the historic Paris agreement signed in December 2015. The modest accord was the closest that most of the world’s heads of state came to toward making a collective pledge to limit greenhouse gas emissions and curb the worst impacts of an already changing climate.

Trump’s move to jeopardize the agreement should come as no surprise. For years he dismissed global warming as a “hoax,” and with his appointment of Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, his allegiance to fossil fuel driven profits was sealed. In fact a new report found that Tillerson was present in the room when Exxon Mobil signed a major natural gas deal with Saudi Arabia during Trump’s visit to the oil-rich Arab kingdom last week.

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John Coequyt, Global Climate Policy Director with the Sierra Club.