Understanding Latino Voter Trends: A Study

FEATURING MICHAEL JONES-CORREA – Donald Trump has promised to build a wall along the US-Mexico border and Latino Americans have promised to exercise their right to vote in record numbers this November. It is a sign of our times that as the US is becoming a browner country, a white backlash has erupted full force, symbolized by Trump. But Latinos are far from a monolithic group. There is great diversity ethnically, racially, nationally, legally, and politically.

To read the study, visit the Russell Sage Foundation at www.russellsage.org.

Michael Jones-Correa is Professor of Government at Cornell University. He is a co-author of Latinos in the New Millennium, and Latino Lives in America: Making It Home, and the co-editor of Outsiders No More? Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation. He joins us to discuss his new study on Latino voters called Immigrants Inside Politics/Outside Citizenship which he co-authored with James McCann.