US’s Ramstein Air Base in Germany Normalizes Endless War

FEATURING NORMAN SOLOMON – Thousands of Germans gathered in mid-June of this year circling the US’s largest foreign airbase to protest America’s drone wars. Ramstein Airbase is the US’s most important center of war operations in Europe. It serves as a coordination point for drone operations in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. The air base is so massive that it houses its own shopping mall, fire station, police force, fitness center, flea market, and even used car lot. All of which says, that at Ramstein Air Base, people are prepared for war to never end.

Read Norma’s article ‘Ramstein Air Base: Hub for the “War on Terror” HERE.

Norman Solomon, journalist with, a project of the Institute for Public Accuracy, where he’s executive director. Norman is the author of War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death; and a co-founder of He just published an article in the Nation about Ramstein.