Watch This Dramatized Reading of the Mueller Report

Special Counsel Robert Mueller testifies on Wednesday to two House panels, the Judiciary and Intelligence Committee, to submit to Congressional questioning about the controversial report his office issued. Democrats are hoping the hearings will generate greater public appetite for impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump while Republicans want the whole thing to disappear. Meanwhile Mr. Mueller has made it very clear that he has no interest in expressing anything other than what he has already done in his report.

Today we’ll play for you excerpts of a dramatized reading of sections of the Mueller report called “The Investigation: A Search for the Truth in Ten Acts,” read by well known celebrity actors such as John Lithgow, Jason Alexander, Annette Benning, Kyra Sedgwick, Kevin Kline, Ben McKenzie, Alfre Woodard, Gina Gershon, Aidan Quinn, and Alyssa Milano. The play, written by the Pulitzer Prize winning Robert Schenkkan, is a dramatization of the Mueller Report that used the actual text for dialogue, focusing on obstruction of justice. Journalist Bill Moyers introduces the reading.

You can watch the entire reading on their website at, or below.