Weekend Marches Denounced Racism and Prison System

Weekend Marches Denounced Racism and Prison System

FEATURING LAILA AZIZ – A week after the violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia between Nazis and anti-fascists, the streets of Boston, Massachusetts were filled this past Saturday with tens of thousands of protesters denouncing white supremacy. The Boston march was organized by groups like Black Lives Matter to counter a planned rally by white supremacist groups. But the counter protesters entirely overwhelmed the hate groups with their massive presence.

Meanwhile in the nation’s capital, a number of organizations also marched over the weekend to protest the American prison system, calling it a form of legalized slavery. The “Millions for Prisoners Human Rights March” was aimed at drawing attention to the 13th Amendment of the US Constitution as well as racial disparities in policing, sentencing, and police brutality, and the use of prison labor.

For more information visit www.iamweubuntu.com, and https://www.facebook.com/groups/MillionsforPrisonersMarch/.

Laila Aziz, Co-Director of Media Relations, for I Am We Prisoner Advocacy Network.