What Comes After GOP’s Latest Healthcare Repeal Bill?

FEATURING PAUL SONG – Senate Republicans have admitted their latest defeat in overturning the Affordable Care Act. A bill introduced by Senators Bill Cassidy and Lindsey Graham was the third attempt this year by the GOP to try to fulfill their long-standing promise to repeal Obamacare.

After Senators Susan Collins, John McCain, and Rand Paul signaled they would not support it, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday announced there would be no vote held but he also said, “We haven’t given up on changing the American health care system.”

The bill died a day after Independent Senator Bernie Sanders and Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar debated Cassidy and Graham on CNN. Sanders defended Obamacare but also raised his own healthcare bill, a Medicare-for-All plan which he has introduced into the Senate.

What is the future of healthcare reform in the US in the wake of this latest GOP defeat?

Paul Song, a board-certified radiation oncologist. He is co-chair of the Campaign for a Healthy California, and is on the board of Physicians for a National Health Program, and People for the American Way. Paul is also the Healthcare Correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali.