What Did the Democratic Presidential Debates Reveal?

FEATURING ARUN GUPTA – Now that the dust has settled from the first Democratic Party’s presidential candidate debate for the 2020 election, it appears that the field of frontrunners has reorganized itself. Media pundits have labeled California Senator Kamala Harris as the clear winner over both days, while Senator Elizabeth Warren held firm to her policy wonk status. Former Vice President Joe Biden appears to have faced the greatest damage to his candidacy.

South Bend Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg managed to hold his own and has proven his fundraising chops in the aftermath. Former San Antonio, Texas major Julián Castro surprised many with his progressive positions and former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke and Senator Cory Booker embarrassed themselves by breaking into Spanish. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who has been credited with moving the party leftward came under criticism for repeating himself.

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Arun Gupta is a regular news correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali. He’s an investigative journalist who has written for dozens of publications including the The Nation, Salon, Raw Story and The Intercept. He is also author of the forthcoming book, “Bacon as a Weapon of Mass Destruction.”