What Direction Will Democrats Choose?

FEATURING JEFF COHEN – The election analysis outlet FiveThirtyEight.com has released its forecast for the midterms this Fall and concluded that the Democratic Party has a 75% chance of taking control of the House of Representatives. With this news surely boosting party leaders, the Democratic National Committee will meet next week in Chicago at a seminal meeting where they decide on the party’s direction.

Already progressives are upset at the party’s reversal of a ban on accepting money from fossil fuel corporations. DNC Chair Tom Perez justified the move using workers rights as a pretext.

My guest Jeff Cohen has just penned an essay saying, “This country needs a serious opposition party that can defeat both corporate power and the GOP. Nothing else will do.”

For more information visit https://democraticautopsy.org and www.rootsaction.org.

Jeff Cohen, media critic, writer and journalism professor who founded the media watch group FAIR, co-founder of Rootsaction.org, Founding Director of Park Center for Independent Media.

**This segment was originally broadcast on August 16, 2018.