What Does the Amazon-Whole Foods Merger Mean For Consumers?

FEATURING PATTY LOVERA – Only days after the Federal Trade Commission approved the mega $13 billion Amazon.com acquisition of Whole Foods, consumers have begun seeing a difference. The online retail giant is known for its low prices, while the upscale grocery chain is often referred to as Whole Paycheck.

But Amazon’s takeover has manifested in lower prices on some of its products. While that may mean good news for consumers in the short term, does it benefit the public in the long term?

The massive acquisition further consolidates a grocery industry that is already dominated by a handful of corporations. And, Amazon’s Goldman-Sachs-brokered deal for Whole Foods was incredibly fast-tracked, going from proposal to reality in a matter of just weeks.

For more information visit www.FoodAndWaterWatch.org.

Patty Lovera, Assistant Director of Food & Water Watch.