What’s Making Our Children Sick?

FEATURING DR. MICHELLE PERRO – Our children are getting sicker. That is a fact. Government data shows that more than half of American children and teenagers live with some sort of chronic condition. While it is not apparent to parents who have only small number statistics to contend with, pediatricians who see hundreds of young patients a year are alarmed by what is transpiring.

Among the conditions are food allergies, asthma, Crohn’s disease, childhood diabetes, ADHD, autism, and even chronic headaches and migraines.

Now, a bold new book attempts to pin down the causes of the rise in these conditions and focuses in on our industrial food system that is rife with the overuse of pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, and more.

For more information visit www.GMOscience.org.

Dr. Michelle Perro, Pediatrician with over 35 years experience in acute and integrative medicine. She has worked as Director of the Pediatric Emergency Department at New York’s Metropolitan Hospital and Attending Physician at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital in Oakland, California. She is the co-author with Vincanne Adams of the new book ‘What’s Making Our Children Sick? How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctor) Can Do About It.’