Why Are Los Angeles Teachers Readying For a Strike?

FEATURING ARELENE INOUYE – Los Angeles teachers are readying themselves for a strike on January 10th. The United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) has announced that after nearly 2 years of efforts at reaching agreement on a new contract with the Los Angeles Unified School District, teachers are fed up. School Superintendent Austin Beutner has made an offer of a salary increase but UTLA officials insist that their fight is about much more than salary increases, and involves reducing class sizes, hiring more support staff, and more. In particular the union is pushing hard against the expansion of charter schools.

On Saturday December 15th, thousands of teachers and union organizers marched in Downtown LA to highlight their strength and gear up for a strike if their demands are not met. They dressed in red – much like teachers protesting similar issues in other parts of the nation over the past year.

Arlene Inouye, long-time union organizer, currently serving as Secretary of the United Teachers of Los Angeles.