Why Do Police See Citizen Journalism As a Threat?

FEATURING CARLOS MILLER – The US is reeling in shock over the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in St. Paul, Minnesota. But what has gotten less attention is how police have cracked down those who brought us the videos of the killings, in particular the witnesses in Sterling’s death. Chris LeDay, who acquired the video of Sterling being shot point blank in the chest by an officer outside a convenience store, posted it on social media and the story went viral. Soon after, LeDay was arrested on suspicion of assault and battery, and eventually charged over unpaid traffic tickets. What has happened to LeDay is reminiscent of Ramsey Orta’s plight. Orta filmed Eric Garner’s killing in New York and was promptly charged with criminal activity. But citizen journalism seems to be the only thing holding the police accountable over violent actions today.

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Carlos Miller, author of The Citizen Journalist Photography Handbook and founder of the website PhotographyIsNotACrime.com — which regularly posts videos of wrongdoing by law enforcement.