Why The Clinton Email Scandal Is Not Just a Right Wing Creation

FEATURING RAY MCGOVERN – A new report by the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General, has found that Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had not obtained permission to use a private email server during her tenure as President Obama’s Secretary of State. The OIG report added that she would not have been given permission even if she had asked, and that she, “had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business.”

The Republican Party has long fixated on the so-called “email scandal” as a way to undermine Clinton’s suitability for the nation’s highest office. And, Democratic party members including President Obama have brushed off the issue, relegating it to “carelessness.” Even Clinton’s political rival, Bernie Sanders has dismissed the controversy. So, should progressives as a whole also dismiss it?

Read The Guardian newspaper article HERE.

Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst who was with the agency for 27 years and now serves on the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.