Why Won’t EPA Ban a Pesticide Proven To Be Toxic?

FEATURING SONYA LUNDER – In the wake of EPA head Scott Pruitt’s decision not to ban a dangerous pesticide, environmental organizations have filed information requests on Pruitt’s connections to the pesticide industry. The Environmental Working Group, together with American Oversight wants to know what communications, if any, Pruitt had with industry representatives.

When he was Oklahoma’s Attorney General Pruitt made many industry-friendly decisions. Advocacy organizations fear he is doing the same at the national level through the EPA. Under President Obama, the EPA assessed the dangers of the commonly used pesticide chlorpyrifos in response to outside pressure and determined that it was a toxic substance particularly to children. Pruitt has decided to reverse the EPAs course on that research and decide against banning it.

Find more at www.ewg.org.

Sonya Lunder, Senior Research Analyst at the Environmental Working Group.