Widespread Sexual Abuse of Palestinians at Secret Israeli Concentration Camp

FEATURING AHMAD ABUZNAID - Israel’s Channel 12 recently broadcast footage that it says is from Sde Teiman, a secret detention center that many have likened to a concentration camp. Israel has held hundreds of Palestinian prisoners at the camp since last October and the footage that was broadcast shows dozens of men lying face down on the ground while a group of Israeli soldiers pick one out and lead him to an area where they proceed to rape him.  

It is thought that this footage corroborates the recent news of the gang rape of a Palestinian prisoner at Sde Teiman. The doctor treating the victim was horrified by his injuries and felt compelled to speak out. So far the perpetrators of the attack have been placed only under house arrest. In July Israeli authorities arrested the soldiers involved after a damning report by the rights group B’Tselem documented widespread torture and rape at the facility. 

While U.S. news media covered alleged sexual abuses by Hamas forces on October 7th in extensive detail and with scant evidence, there has been deafening silence on the documented sexual abuse of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers.