Wikileaks Exposes CIA’s Multiple Hacking Methods

FEATURING FENNA MCLAUGHLIN – Wikileaks has done it again. A new massive data dump of classified material has exposed the multiple tools that the CIA has created to infiltrate and spy on individuals through their smart phones and televisions.

Wikileaks says in its press release that the set of CIA documents, code-named “Vault 7,” is the “largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.” The set of more than 8,000 documents is allegedly from the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virginia.

What does the revelation of the CIA’s arsenal of hacking tools mean for democracy and privacy?

Read Jenna’s reports at

Jenna McLaughlin, reporter with The Intercept covering surveillance and national security. She previously covered national security and foreign policy at Mother Jones magazine as an editorial fellow.