Will Any Good Come of COP25 Climate Meeting?

FEATURING HARJEET SINGH – As this year’s United Nation’s Conference of Parties or COP 25 meeting commences in Madrid, Spain, UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres underscored the grim situation in his opening remarks. Gutteres said the planet’s atmosphere was at a “point of no return,” addressing country representatives charged with implementing the Paris Accord at the COP21 meeting four years ago.

US lawmakers are also attending the meeting to make a point in favor of climate action despite President Donald Trump’s dismissal of the Paris Accord. But the UN meetings take place year after year with pledges for improvement and little actual progress. A report last week concluded that countries are actually continuing to increase their carbon emissions and Oxfam just published their report showing that climate-related disasters are the biggest cause of human displacement worldwide.

Harjeet Singh, Global lead on climate change, ActionAid.