Will Crowley Actually Challenge Ocasio-Cortez?

FEATURING JOE DINKIN – Former Senator Joe Lieberman published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday headlined, “Vote Joe Crowley, for Working Families.” The incendiary title was followed by the claim that, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hurts the party, Congress and even America.”

The 28-year old Ocasio-Cortez stunned the nation when she beat long-time top Democrat Joe Crowley in New York’s primary race. The Democratic Socialist has put forward a bold agenda that includes Medicare-for-All, and other solidly progressive demands.

But Lieberman may be echoing establishment Democrats who see Ocasio-Cortez as anathema. Could Crowley actually retain his seat as a Working Families Party candidate and how does he even remain on the ballot in New York?

For more information visit www.workingfamilies.org.

Joe Dinkin, Working Families Party National Communications Director.