Will John Bolton Push Trump Further Into War?

FEATURING MEDEA BENJAMIN – When John Bolton was named the new National Security Advisor to President Trump, some speculated that he was picked for the position because it did not require a Senate confirmation hearing and vote. Bolton’s last government position was as the US Ambassador to the United Nations Under President George W. Bush.

So unsuitable a figure was Bolton in 2005 that Republicans and Democrats united against confirming him to the UN position. But Bush appointed him anyway during a recess.

Now, Bolton, whose Super PAC is under scrutiny for possible violations of election law via the Cambridge Analytica scandal, has inspired fear among those critical of war. Bolton strongly backs regime change in Iran, and wants a far more hawkish position on North Korea and Russia. He is staunchly pro-Israel and steadfastly maintains that the US war in Iraq was a resounding success. Some have called him the “war whisperer,” others, “the devil incarnate.”

Read Medea Benjamin’s article ’10 Reasons to Fear John Bolton,’ HERE, follow her on Twitter @medeabenjamin and visit codepink.org for more information.

Medea Benjamin, Co-founder of human rights group Global Exchange and the peace organization CODEPINK. She is a long-time political activist who has also written a number of books including Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of the Unjust, Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control and more. She just wrote an article about John Bolton entitled, ’10 Reasons to Fear John Bolton’.