Women Demand ‘No On Kavanaugh’

FEATURING RACHEL O’LEARY CARMONA AND MEGAN PETERSON – Republican Senator Jeff Flake on Friday requested a delay in the Senate confirmation vote for Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh ahead of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote to advance the nomination. He voted for Kavanaugh anyway. GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski has also called for a one-week delay in the full vote.

On Thursday a stunning and emotionally charged Senate Judiciary Committee hearing riveted the nation as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testified in front of a national audience about the man who she accused of assaulting her when they were both teenagers. Dr. Ford’s testimony was universally seen as sympathetic, credible, and honest

By contrast Mr. Kavanaugh was angry, defiant, aggressive, hyper partisan, and engaged in emotional histrionics during his testimony. To President Trump that was evidence of good behavior. Trump tweeted on Thursday afternoon that, “Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting.”

Outside the Senate committee hearing on Thursday hundreds of protesters gathered to show their support for Blasey Ford and demand Kavanaugh not be confirmed.

Rachel O’leary Carmona, Chief Operating Officer of the Women’s March, Megan Peterson, Executive Director at Gender Justice, a legal and policy advocacy org committed to gender, economic and reproductive justice.