Women of Color Have Changed Electoral Politics

FEATURING ROSA CLEMENTE – President Donald Trump on Wednesday morning held a press conference to comment on the midterm election results and spent much of it chastising those Republicans who didn’t support him during their campaigns. What he did not acknowledge was how strongly Americans rebuked his racist fear mongering through a powerful showing for diverse candidates, or how his party is now engaged in minority rule, having lost the popular vote but won elected office.

Women, and particularly women of color broke several records and won decisive races especially in the House. How will these women change the shape of politics? And how does the country operate with Trump and the Republicans still at the helm of power in the White House and Senate?

Rosa Clemente is a news correspondent for Rising Up With Sonali. She is also a community organizer, active with Black Lives Matter, freelance journalist, 2008 Green Party Vice Presidential candidate, and currently a doctoral candidate in the W.E.B. DuBois Department of AfroAmerican Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.