Youth Around Globe Plan Massive Climate Strike on May 24

FEATURING ANNA GRACE HOTTINGER – When 16-year old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg launched her weekly strike from school on Fridays for the future of the planet, she may not have foreseen just how massive the movement would grow. School-aged children in hundreds of cities around the world have refused to attend school on Fridays demanding that politicians take immediate and decisive action on climate change.

Friday May 24th is the focus of a major global strike with more than 1,600 #FridaysForFuture events registered in 119 countries around the world. As extreme weather hits mid western and Southern states causing death and destruction, the evidence is all around us that our climate is rapidly destabilizing. Will the adults listen to our youth?

Anna Grace Hottinger, 16-year old youth climate activist from Shoreview, Minnesota, working closely on the international Fridays For Future movement and with a number of climate justice organizations.