Assessing William Barr’s Disturbing Legacy

FEATURING CAROLINE FREDRICKSON – Attorney General William Barr will leave office just before Christmas, as per a tweet by the President on Monday. For Barr to leave office barely a month before his slated departure indicates Donald Trump’s displeasure with a man who has been one of his most loyal foot soldiers. While Barr has bent over backwards to fit U.S. law and ethical standards to Trump’s needs, apparently overturning election results was a step too far even for him. Trump had publicly chastised Barr for not supporting his demonstrably false claims of illegal voting. During his time as Attorney General Mr. Barr made waves for acting more like the President’s personal lawyer than the nation’s top prosecutor.

Caroline Fredrickson, Distinguished Visitor from Practice at Georgetown University Law Center, she served as the President of the American Constitution Society from 2009-2019. She also served as the Director of the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office and as General Counsel and Legal Director of NARAL Pro-Choice America.