News & Analysis of Economic, Racial, Gender Justice and More

US Senators on Friday are expected to pass a procedural vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh with a full vote possibly over the weekend. On Thursday the FBI released its very narrow report on allegations of sexual assault to members of the Senate. The report is being kept closely guarded from the public but Senate Democrats complained that federal law enforcement officers did not interview nearly enough people with knowledge of the matter including Kavanaugh and his first accuser Christine Blasey Ford. As of this recording, Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp, who was wavering in her opposition to Kavanaugh has announced she will not vote for him.

What the FBI did not examine was whether Kavanaugh was truthful in several other claims he made during his sworn testimony. Many media outlets have pointed out that Kavanaugh simply lied about numerous things and because he did so under oath, it could amount to perjury. This week Brave New Films published a video of Kavanaugh’s lies which we will feature on our show.

You can watch the film yourself and share it online from BNF’s Facebook page at

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