Exoneree Diaries: The Fight For Innocence, Independence, and Identity

FEATURING ALISON FLOWERS – What happens when the US criminal justice system wrongly convicts and incarcerates you for a crime you did not commit? If you are lucky enough to be exonerated and released years later, what happens then? That’s the question that my guest Alison Flowers attempts to answer in her new book Exoneree Diaries: The Fight For Innocence, Independence, and Identity
in which she follows the lives of four exonerees: Kristine Bunch, Jacques Rivera, James Kluppelberg, and Antione Day.

Alison Flowers, award winning investigative journalist focusing on social and criminal justice. She has written for The Guardian, Village Voice, and Vice News. She is a Social Justice Nexus fellow and works at the Invisible Institute, a journalism production company on the South Side of Chicago where she was part of a team that won a Hillman Foundation award. Her new book is called Exoneree Diaries: The Fight For Innocence, Independence, and Identity.