News & Analysis of Economic, Racial, Gender Justice and More

FEATURING MARIA ELENA GAITÁN – Americans eat more berries now than ever before. A huge chunk of the US berry supply comes to us from Mexico, where a US company named Driscoll’s is under fire for mistreating its workers. In fact farmworkers in Baja California, who are primarily indigenous Oaxacans, are protesting slave labor conditions, and calling for a boycott of the berries.

Now, a group based in San Diego called the Frente Indígena Oaxaqueño Binacional (FIOB), has organized a program to provide musical instruments for the children of farmworkers.

Visit ‘Musica Sin Frontiers’ Facebook page at, or call (323) 509-4619 for instrument donations.

Maria Elena Gaitán, musician, linguist, cultural worker, performance artist, scholar, and educator.

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