Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING DR. CAROL A. PARIS – Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy have introduced yet another attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, this time focused on giving money to states to start their own healthcare exchanges.

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has asked the Congressional Budget Office to fast track budgetary analysis of the bill. The GOP’s deadline appears to be September 30th, when Republicans lose their ability to cast a simple majority vote. After September 30th, the party will need to muster at least 60 votes – a seemingly impossible task.

There could be a vote on this new Obamacare repeal as early as September 27th. Senator John McCain, whose “no” vote sank the last repeal bill says he may be on board with this one. But Senator Rand Paul has declared his opposition on the basis that it leaves too much of the Affordable Care Act in place.

Senator Bernie Sanders – who only days ago introduced his Medicare-for-All bill – slammed this latest GOP repeal attempt as, “yet another disastrous Republican proposal to throw millions of people off health insurance.”

What are the chances this new bill will pass, and how does it compare to earlier attempts to destroy Obamacare?

For more information visit

Dr. Carol A. Paris, President of Physicians for a National Health Program.

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