Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING JESSE LITTLEWOOD – With just months to go before midterm elections that could reshape American politics, an activist organization has launched a new campaign to hold politicians’ feet to the fire on issues critical to our democracy.

All across the US voting rights are under attack under Donald Trump’s Administration as the Justice Department allows voter roll purges and other attacks on voting rights. Dark money flows into negative and misleading advertising campaigns from untraceable corporate coffers thanks to Citizens United.

Common Cause is asking candidates around the country to fill out a questionnaire as part of its Our Democracy 2018 campaign. Several have already done so giving voters helpful information on how to make their choices in November.

To find out more visit

Jesse Littlewood, National Campaigns Director of Common Cause.

**This segment was originally broadcast on August 13, 2018.

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