Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING ARN PEARSON - Donald Trump and his campaign has already promised that if he loses the presidential race this November, it means the election was stolen. It is as strong a hint as he can make that he intends to steal the election one way or another himself.

There have been warnings of a repeat of the January 6th insurrection ahead of the 2024 presidential election. But what about the fake electors who submitted falsified documents on Trump’s behalf to Congress for the 2020 election? It turns out they, and others like them, may be an even greater threat to the nation’s democracy than insurrectionists.

An effort called Insurrection Exposed by the Center for Media and Democracy aims to shed light on what the 2020 fake electors did and how a new crop could do the same four years later. 

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