Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING LORENZO MARCILI – A major gathering of world leaders in Hamburg, Germany, under the auspices of the G20 summit is taking place. On Friday US President Donald Trump met at last with Russian President Vladimir Putin and had a more than 2 hour meeting with him. Mr. Trump reportedly told Putin, “it’s an honor to be with you.”

Also on Friday talks began in earnest over the thorny issues of climate and trade, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel urging, “compromise” between leaders.

Meanwhile outside on the streets of Hamburg there have been days of protests with clashes between protesters and police resulting in tear gas, water cannons, and arrests.

Read Lorenzo Marsili’s article HERE and find more information at

Lorenzo Marcili, co-founder and Director of European Alternatives, and the initiator and current spokesperson of the European Initiative for Media Pluralism.

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