Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING PAUL SEAMUS RYAN – It shouldn’t surprise us that Donald Trump’s top counselor Kellyanne Conway, sitting with the White House logo behind her, decided to give her boss’ daughter a “free commercial” to boost her lagging business. After all Conway, and Trump’s cabinet members as a whole are sorely lacking in both real-world government experience, and ethical standards. Trump himself took the time away from running a country of some 300 million people to whine about how “unfairly” Nordstrom had treated his daughter.

But it’s more than just Ivanka Trump’s business that has blurred the lines between government and commerce under Trump. The Trump organization’s sprawling set of international businesses and properties spanning the globe are effectively unavoidable ethics traps. No Republican would have tolerated even a whiff of similar possible violations from a liberal politician.

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Paul Seamus Ryan, Vice President of Policy & Litigation at Common Cause.

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