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FEATURING KEVIN GOSZTOLA – Hillary Clinton can’t escape her email scandals. First was the mistake she admitted to in using a private email server while Secretary of State. But the more important email scandal is a set of internal correspondence between her campaign head John Podesta and other campaign staff leaked by Wikileaks. Clinton has refused to address the content of those emails and instead reverted to blaming the Russian government of stealing the emails.

But there is much to be learned about the inner workings of Clinton’s leadership and political ideology from the Podesta emails. If the polls showing her likelihood of winning the presidency are accurate, the emails can provide a framework for progressive organizing under a Clinton White House.

Visit to read Kevin’s analysis of the Wikileaks emails.

Kevin Gosztola, managing editor of Shadowproof Press. He also produces and co-hosts the weekly podcast, Unauthorized Disclosure. We recently spoke with Kevin about the tactic of blaming the Russians. Today he joins us for a follow-up to discuss the contents of the Podesta emails.

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