Yanis Varoufakis, April 23, 2016
On April 23, 2016, former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis made his only Southern California appearance during his book tour as part of the Rising Up Speaker Series. About 250 people gathered at the Neighborhood Unitarian Church in Pasadena to hear Varoufakis relate the inside story about his 5 months fighting austerity policies imposed by the European Union.

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

Photo Credit: Brian Biery

With Aris Anagnos

Rising Up Speaker Series volunteers
Rising Up Speaker Series volunteers

Selfie with Sonali Photo Credit: Brian Biery

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Several dozen people attended the pre-event reception which included a copy of Varoufakis’ new book, And The Weak Suffer What They Must. They enjoyed wine and hors d’oeuvres, and had reserved seating at the talk.
Sonali Kolhatkar, host of Rising Up With Sonali, introduced Varoufakis. The talk and question-and-answer session lasted 1 hour and 20 minutes. Audience members were able to buy copies of his book get them signed after the event.
You can buy or rent the talk here, or subscribe to our Premium Content channel to access it:
Watch highlights of the talk here:
Watch host Sonali Kolhatkar’s interview of Varoufakis here: