Solutions that bring us closer to economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

FEATURING COREY SAYLOR – The FBI, after being pressured by the public released a more complete transcript of the calls made by the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen to police on the night of the massacre at Pulse, a gay bar. Mateen seemed to have tried to hit all the expectations of a so-called “home-grown” radical Islamic terrorist by citing perhaps every foreign terrorist organization he could think of to pledge allegiance to. Liberals and conservatives ran with the narrative that this was an act of terror right from the beginning, which is no surprise given the anti-Islamic rhetoric that has permeated American culture for many years now.

A new report by the Council on American Islamic Relations and the Center for Race and Gender at the University of California Berkeley, details the industry of Islamophobia that has built up in the US, how well funded that industry is, and how far up the government it reaches.

NOTE: Watch the Extended version of this interview, available only to our subscribers, or to rent or buy.

Corey Saylor, National Legislative Director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

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