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FEATURING JOHN MARSHALL EVANS – April 24th is generally the day that Armenians commemorate as the anniversary of the Armenian genocide. This year marks the 101st anniversary of the massacre of a million and a half Armenians at the hands of Turkish forces.

The Turkish government for years has resolutely refused to use the word “genocide,” acknowledging instead that there was blood spilled but not enough to justify a legal term that carries serious moral weight.

The US government has had a mixed history on acknowledging the genocide. More than 10 years ago, then US Ambassador to Armenia, John Marshall Evans, dared to use the word “genocide,” while addressing Armenian groups in California. For that Evans was forced to resign. Now, he’s written a book called Truth Held Hostage.

On Friday, April 22, USC Institute of Armenian Studies will host a book launch for TRUTH HELD HOSTAGE by Ambassador John Evans at 7pm at the Hilton Pasadena.

John Marshall Evans, former US Ambassador to Armenia, author of Truth Held Hostage.

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